Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

Happy Birthday, Iyla!!  Many Blessings to you on your special day!! 

Good morning! Another great day of learning in Kindergarten :)

Miss you all!👼

Let's start the with prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary and The Pledge of Allegiance:)
Day 25 of Lent.

*** Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation.***. 
Here is a cute video: This will be part of your Religion Lesson.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWBbB8vcx98 The video is 29 minuets.

Please write in your journals. Today is Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Today is a lamb or lion day. (you can decide on that)
Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. (can you illustrate a picture of the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary?)

Can you please find our small book?  The title is Yes! 
Now, this is the Holy Spirit working!! Our book is called Yes and today is the Feast of the Annunciation!!  Miss Lee did not plan this!  Of course our Blessed Mother said YES, to be the mother of our Lord!!  What a great book to read today!

*Read the book with a family member
* Let's circle the high-frequency words: all & read
* What do the kids like to do? Circle all the words that tell you.
*What do the dogs like to do? Read the words that tell you.
*Why does the author say that kids like to yip and yap as well? Point to details in the picture that show this?

Is there a Y paper that I sent home on the last day before we left? We usually do this for homework. Maybe we can do that now for some extra practice.

Can you find your homework book?  Let's write some sentences.

I'll start the sentence and you can finish it.

  1. I like to _________.  (Write the sentence and finish with an answer.)
  2. He is _____________.  (write the sentence and finish with an answer)
Example:  I like to play outside. I like to read. (you do not need to copy Miss Lee)
He is my friend. He is six years old. (choose you own words to finish)

How about some yoga moves? " Peaceful thoughts, peaceful words, peaceful actions. Namaste, girls and boys."

Math   In the brown envelope, please take out page 95-96. Subtract 3 &4. Also, pg. 247-248-This paper was in your child's folder .
This is a good paper to review additional skills.

Science/Social Studies: Clouds

 here is a cute video to watch about different types of clouds:https://youtu.be/LQbSN4ST9kM?list=RDLQbSN4ST9kM

Here is a cute poem:
Scattered and wispy in the sky........Cirrus clouds are drifting by.
Long and flat clouds in the sky .....Stratus clouds are moving by.
Large and puffy clouds in the sky ...Cumulus clouds are floating by.
High and dark clouds in the sky......Cumulonimbus clouds are thundering by.

  Also, there is a paper in the brown envelope that says: Follow Directions with Positional Words.  You can complete this and illustrate a type of cloud from the poem/video.  **This is a winter paper, I know:)***

Today you will have computer/library class. I know how much you love this class. See Ms. Brewer's blog.

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. Let's pray 3 Hail Mary for world and for our Mothers.
I believe in your child's folder there is a picture for your child to color.  It says the
The Annunciation. Also, the last page of your child's religion book, page 271 -218 , this is nice page to refer to when praying the rosary.  You can take this page out and keep it at home.:) We did not practice the Hail, Holy Queen prayer as a class yet.:)
The video is at the top of the page.

Ok, boys and girls! I hope you had a good day!

Miss you all!!

United in Prayer!!