Saturday, March 14, 2020

Good morning, boys and girls. Hope you had a nice weekend.

 You can start the day with our morning prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary and you can say the Pledge of the Allegiance. :) Day 17 of Lent

** Please write in your journals:  Today is Monday, March 16, 2020.  The weather is __sunny and chilly._____.
Today is a _______lion day________.

**High Frequency words of the week: there and out.  Write these words on your :
"Sight Words of the Week paper". Then hang it on your refrigerator. :)

** Reading/Phonics:  We will discuss the sound and strokes of the letter: Qu.  This is the first letter that we learned that is always with another letter. Q&u are always together. :)
The letters Qu together represent the /kw/ sound.

Learn and Blend: Qu pg. 301

Blend It:
Directions: Chorally say the words and read the words on each line.
Row 1: Say the sounds of each letter
Row 2: Circle the words that have the letters qu
Rows 3, 4, &5 read the words
Rows 6 & 7: Read the sentence and circle the words that have the letters Qu.

 Read-Spell-Write pg. 302
Write each word 2 times on the line.
there & out.

Use in Context:
Complete each sentence. Choose the correct sight word.

  We are going to read several books by an author and illustrator named Eric CarleHead to Toe .
Here are some questions to review while reading/listening to this story:  You can share the answers with a family member.

  1.  What can penguins do?
  2. What can the girl do? Can you turn your head?
  3. Eric Carle has a special way of illustrating his books? What do you think them? 
  4. There are a lot of animals in this book! What are some animals you noticed? (penguin, giraffe, buffalo, monkey, seal, gorilla, cat, crocodile , camel, donkey, elephant, parrot)
  5. Draw your favorite animal.  Write a sentence about it.  (e.g.  I drew a picture of a __________________.)
**Show-N-Tell: For the Week of March 16th:   Share an object that is green with a family member. :) 

Progress in Math 

I can add 3.

We are going to add 3 to numbers 0 through 6 using manipulatives. 
Complete addition sentences.

Use objects from your home to add groups of 3. (For example: use 2 crayons and add 3 crayons.
use 5 crayons and 3 crayons).  When you are finished using manipulatives , please complete pages: 243-244

Science: Weather: Scholastic: Let's Find Out: My Weekly Reader
My Wild Weather Day
Read along with the video 

Social Studies: Write a sentence about the Famous Woman that you shared with us last week for Show -n-Tell.

Religion: Let's pray the Rosary for our world.  Our Blessed Mother always whispers to Jesus.
Lent reminds us that Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying to his Father in heaven. We can spend a little extra time during Lent in prayer.
On page 204 in your We Believe book , please color the words : The Lord's Prayer & pull out pg 206 and make the book: God, I Love to Talk to You Here is a cute video about Sunday's Gospel.  Jesus meets the Woman at the Well. 

Enjoy your day boys and girls.  Go in Love and Peace~~

We are United in Prayer!!!

Homework:  Monday:Practice writing the following words: lamb, send, lick, clock, luck
                     Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each number: 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
                     Wednesday: Practice writing Q. worksheet
                     Thursday: Math worksheet. worksheet 245 (one side)