Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Good morning!

Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œMiss seeing you all! πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

Day of 31 of Lent

Let's start the day in prayer: Hail Mary, Our Father, The Pledge of Allegiance . :)

**Today you have library/computer class. I know how much you love this class. :)

Please write in your journal: Today is Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The weather is (you can fill out this part)_________________.   I say "quack" and I rhyme with truck. What am I?_____________________.

Can you find the "booklet" in your Phonics to Reading book?  The tile is : Zig, Zag, Buzz! What a nice book to read on the first day of April.:).

Preview and Predict:
Parents, please read the title and your child can repeat you. Can you please ask your child what they think this book is about and why?
First Read (Read Together)
Please have your child point to each word as you read together. If your child has difficulty with a word, it's ok....
Check Comprehension: Please discuss with your family.:)
  • What is the bee looking for at the beginning of the story? What is it looking for at the end of the story? Circle the words that tell you.
  • Which words describe how a bee flies? Which word describes how a bee sounds?  Circle word.
  • Does the bee like the flower it finds? How do you know?
  • Circle our high-frequency words: for & finds
***Write the letter Z.  The Letter Z. This paper was put into your child's folder.  There are boxes with  different letters. The children should color the boxes with Z in each box. 
Here are some sentence starters.  Can you finish them? Write and fill out sentence

  • I look at_______________.  
  • Can you see a ____________?
  • Here is my __________________.
  • This is a ___________________.
  • I go into the__________________.
*** Please feel free to write just 3 sentences if 5 too many to write. :) It is ok just to write 3. 
How about a nice yoga stretch?πŸ™†: Namaste, Girls and Boys!! 

Math:  Page 113-114 (this paper was put into the brown envelope)
Calendar: pg. 113: Write the missing numbers to complete the calendar. Circle the name of the month. Color red the days.
Pg. 114: A few directions:)

https://youtu.be/MgBOCoNebRQ Here is a cute video to watch.

How about an INDOOR SCAVENGER HUNT?  Parents, I hope this is ok?  Something a little different. :). Something fun to do on April 1st!!!

  • Find a fork. (please be careful holding this!)
  • Find something that is red
  • Find a tissue box
  • Find 3 things that have wheels
  • Find an orange crayon
  • Find something that is very soft
  • Find a band-aid
  • Find a key
  • Find 2 socks that match
  • Find something round
  • Find a sticker
  • Find a rubber band
  • Find a pair of glasses
  • Find an envelope 

Try your best! Whatever you can find will be great!!  Send a picture if you would like. 😊

Social Studies/Science:https://youtu.be/1WcaJMt7flQ
Fireman Small
Author/ Illustrator: Wong Herbert Yee.

Discuss The Text:

Within the Text:
  • Talk about what Fireman Small does to show he is a good community helper. 
  • How do the friends thank Fireman Small for his help?
  • Why is it so hard for Fireman Small to sleep?
Beyond the Text: 
  • In this story, Fireman Small is the only firefighter at the firehouse. He works all by himself. In real life, there are always many firefighters who work together. Why is so  important for community helpers like firefighters to work together?
  • Do you think being a firefighter is a hard job? Why or why not? 
  •  Why is it important to appreciate the people who work for our community? 
About the Text:
  • This story begins in the morning and ends at night. 
  • How do the pictures tell you that this story begins in the morning? 
  • How do the pictures show that this story ends at night? 

Religion: Let's Pray 3 Hail Marys for our world and for each other.

Pope Francis' Five Finger Prayer:
Parents, if you can print this for you child to color. Thank you!:)


  1. The thumb is the closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a “sweet obligation.”
  2. The next finger is the index finger. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you, and heal you. They need God’s help as they offer direction for others.
  3. The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our government leaders and others who have authority. They need God’s guidance.
  4. The fourth finger is the ring finger, which is also our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest among us—the sick, the poor, those excluded from society, and those plagued by other problems.
  5. And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. When you are done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way.

Ok, boys and girls! I hope you had a good day!!
Miss you all!!
United in Prayer! πŸ™

Monday, March 30, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020.

Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

Miss seeing you all! πŸ‘€

Day 30 of Lent

Let us start the day in prayer: Hail Mary, Our Father and the Pledge of The Allegiance:)

*** You have Gym class today.  Please check Mrs. McFadden's blog.  I know how much you love this class. :)

Please write in your journal. Today is Tuesday, March 31, 2020. Today is lamb or lion day. (you can decide on that) Today is the last of March and we will have gym class.

Trace and Write: pg. 331-322. Here is a video to watch to about writing the letter Zz.

Pg. 331: Practice writing the letter Zz. Write the letter Z under the pictures that begin with Z
pg 332. #1. picture is a seed. Write beginning sound of seed.
#2. Picture is a zipper.Write beginning sound

#3. picture is jam.  write the word jam.
#4.  write the word 6.

Listen and spell.
1. write : zap
2. Write the sentence: I zip up my bag.

Word Study: Blends
Here are some words for you to write. (homework book, journal piece of paper)
https://youtu.be/RCCFqWV8S7E Here is a video to watch about different blends.
  1. flip
  2. lip
  3. spill
  4. pill
  5. sled
  6. led
  7. stop
  8. top
**When two consonants are together in a word, we can often blend the two sounds together to read the word. **. When we remove the first sound it makes a new word. 

How about a little Yoga Stretch? Namaste, girls and boys.:)

Math: pg. 103-104 
Pg. 103: Match heads and tails to the correct coins.
Pg 104: Count on From Dimes and Quarters
 https://youtu.be/9I7TZN3mq0s. This video is counting pennies and dimes
https://youtu.be/pfDQ5SbB-Xs.  This video is counting pennies and nickels
** I did not see a video with quarters and pennies.;( But that's ok.  We know that when we see a quarter , we know the value is 25 cents and then we count on after 25 by one's (when we see pennies.)
** Parents, do you happen to have some coins to "count on" with?  If you do not it's fine, I understand.  We can  also review the concept of "fair trade".

5 pennies = 1 nickel
10 pennies 1 dime
25 pennies =1 quarter.
** This could be a good review to show a "Fair Trade".
When we count on with coins, we need to start with the coin that has the highest value. (especially when we count with pennies)
Also, I also remind the children that larger coin does not always represent the greater amount. This is the case with dimes and nickels. Dime are worth more that the larger nickel.

Science/Social Studies: Transportation: How do you get from one place to another.
   Here are a few examples:  (Can you think of some more? You can write them in your journal , homework book, piece of paper.)
On Land:
roller skates
On Water: 
In the Air
air plane
hot air balloon

 Here is a book titled: If I Built a Car,  by Chris Van Dusen.  Here is a video for the read aloud.

After you read/listen to this book, please write this sentence and fill in the blank.
"If I built a ______________________________." (any type of transportation )
Can you please illustrate a picture to go along with the sentence?

Means of Transport Riddles: (you can write the answers in homework book, journal, piece of paper)

I have a bell and a loud whistle, too.
I can carry lots of people and things.
I may be long.  I may be short.
My wheels roll only on rails.
I am a _________.

I am very fast.
I carry passengers from city to city.
I can fly for hours.
I land at airports.
I am a _______________.

I have two wheels.
I have no motor.
Sometimes I have a bell or a horn.
You can ride on me.
I am a _________.

I carry lots of people.
I pick them up and drop them off.
I might travel from city to city.
I might only go from block to block.
I am a______________________.

Religion: Let's pray 3 Hail Marys for Our world and for each other:)
Please color the paper that says Thanks be to God.
Can you please write 3 things that you are Thankful for. (if you can think of more ...great!!)
You can write this on the back of this piece of paper, if you would like. :)

Ok! I hope you had a great day!!
Miss you all.
United in Prayer!πŸ™

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

Faith, Family and Friends are the BEST MEDICINE

I hope you all had a nice weekend.πŸ’™πŸ’›

Day 29 of Lent
Let us start the day in prayer: Hail Mary, Our Father and the Pledge of Allegiance :)

*** You are have Art Class Today.  Please check Mrs. Nuvola's blog.:) I know how much you love this class.

Please write in your journal: Today is Monday, March 30, 2020. Today is a lion or a lamb day. (You can decide on that.0  Copy this riddle: I am red, white, and blue and rhyme with bag.  What am I?
Write the answer and illustrate a picture. :)

** Show-N-Tell: Week of March 30, 2020.  Please find an object for the letter Z. 

Reading/Phonics: Letter Zz.  Our high-frequency words are: for and finds.  If you can write these words on a piece of paper and hang it on your fridge. :) (or anywhere you would like:)
Learn and Blend pg. 327.
Row #1. Circe Z
Row#2 Circe the two words that Strat with Z
Row #3. Circel 2 words that end with Z
Row#4 and #5 read words nothing to circe
Row#6 and Row#7 Circle words that start with Z.

Pg. 328
 1 and 2 :Write the words 2x's
Use in Context
Fill in the sentences with the correct words.

** Write the following sentences: (homework book, journal book piece of paper)
1. The gift is for Meg.  Circle: for
2. She finds a book to read. Circle: finds

Write the following words: (homework book, journal piece of paper)

  1. wig
  2. sip
  3. fill
  4. bug
  5. fuzz

The book that we will read today is : A House Is a House for Me, Author: Mary Ann Hoberman , illustrated by Betty Fraser

Discuss the Text:

Within the Text:

  • When Mary Ann Hoberman talks about a "house" she really means something that protects or shelters something else. It's where something belongs. What are some examples?
  • Animals have houses, too, in away. What are some special names for animal house? 

Beyond the Text:
  • What are some things the children in this book can do in their make -believe houses? (e.g. they can use their imaginations to take them to faraway places in their make-believe houses?)
  • Can you go back to page 44? Reread page 44. How can you protect the earth so that it continues to be a good house for all of us all? 
  • On the last page, what do you think the author really means? 
About the Text:
Can you go back to page 3? Reread page 3 and point to the illustrations showing the bug under the rug. Snug as a bug in a rug is a funny saying. It means two different things. What does the illustration show that it means? Do you know another meaning for snug as a bug in a rug? (Snug as a bug in a rug means that someone is cozy and warm)

** On a blank piece of paper (if you do not have a blank piece of paper , use homework book journal etc..) Please write this sentence:
A house is a house for me.  Please illustrate a picture of your own home, a play house or a house you might like to live in.

How about a little yoga stretch? "Namaste, boys and girls"😊

Math:Trading for Nickels: pg 105-106. I believe this was in put in the brown envelope.   Here is a cute video about coins: https://youtu.be/MbtmucV-U2c
Also, page 211-212 Bar Graphs 
Look at the sample: How many horses are at the fair? 5 . Yes!  Have the  correct number of squares been colored in? Yes. 

Math words: 
bar graph: uses bars to show how many.
mode: is the most

Science: Let's Find Out: Scholastic: April 2020.  Please check brown envelope.
Scholastic: password: PHBBLTK

Religion: Page 223-224.  Also, there might be a "booklet" titled : The Caring Man.  This booklet will help you remember an important story Jesus told to his followers. (The booklet needs to be folded.). Pray: Jesus, help us to be like the caring man in the story. Amen 
Pray 3 Hail Mary
Please let me know if this paper is not in your child's book.  I will assign another paper. I am sorry.
** Brainstorm ways your family can help care for others. Try to do five good deeds.

I miss you all!!πŸ˜‡

United in Prayer!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Friday, March 27, 2020

Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

Let us start the day in prayer: Hail Mary, Our Father and the Pledge of Allegiance.:)
Day 27 of Lent.

** Zoom Meeting @ 10:00.  Can you bring your Q and Y Show-n-Tell? Also, the book, Yell? If you can not bring the book..it is ok.:)

Please write in your in your journal.  Today is Friday, March 27, 2020. Today is a lion or a lamb day. (you can decide on that) Today we will pray The Stations of The Cross.
Illustrate a picture to go along with this journal entry.

pg. 321: please write and circle the correct beginning letter for each picture.
pg 322: Build Fluency: Sentence 1. & 2. Please fill in with the correct word.
Write the following sentences:
#3. He is not there yet.
#4. I will not quit.

Write the following sentences: (homework book, journal piece of paper etc..)

  1. All cats like to nap. circle: all
  2. I can read all day.  circle: read
  3. Do not yell. circle : yell
  4. Is Dad there yet? circle: yet
  5. Do you like yams? circle : yams
Let's write some more word families: (homework book, journal, paper etc..)
Can you please add 2 more words? 

**How about a yoga stretch?**  Peaceful thoughts, peaceful words, peaceful actions..Namaste, girls and boys! 
*** World Language *** Please see Mrs. Viganola's blog:) I know how much you enjoy this class, 

Math: pg. 251-252
Please look at the sample: There are 8 red counters in the ten-frame. Jeb draws 2 more counters in the ten-frame. How many counters are there in all? (10) ** Why is a ten-frame called a ten-frame?? I know you know the answer....because it has 10 sections! Yes!! On page 252 the children will complete the ten-frame by making more circles and writing the number that is needed to complete the addition problem. 
Addition: Use Ten-Frames Here is a cute video: 

Science/Social Studies:
Please solve these riddles about weather:

I fall from the sky
during winter. I look like a small star.
What am I?

I am made of snow balls.
My nose is made of a
carrot and my eyes are
two round charcoal.
What am I?

You use me to protect
yourself from the rain.
What am I?

I come out at night. I live in the sky. I am shinny and
I have 5 angles. What am I?

Please answer each riddle can you please illustrate a picture? (homework book, journal book , piece of paper etc..)

Religion: Let us  pray 3 Hail Marys, 1 One Father, Glory Be and the prayer we say after the Rosary. 

O My Jesus
O my Jesus,
forgive us our sins,
save us from the fire of hell,
lead all souls to heaven
especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.

Here is the video for the Stations of the Cross.  The Kindergarten and First Grade classes pray the same version of the Stations of the Cross each week.  I know this the same video but maybe you will notice something that you didn't notice last week.
https://youtu.be/KoQR30np5us ** Can you please color another page in your Stations of the Cross book?

Here is the Gospel coloring page: It's a good Gospel Reading

Ok, boys and girls!
I hope you had a nice day!
Enjoy the weekend.

Miss seeing you all.:)

United in Prayer

This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of Lent.πŸ™ 

Dear Parents,

Please see the important information on the PTO Informer blog concerning the updated DOH COVId-19 Guidelines and Communication from Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin

Here is the correct link!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thursday, March 26, 2020.

Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

Let us start day in prayer: Hail Mary, Our Father and The Pledge of the Allegiance :)
Day 26 of Lent.

Please write in your journal: Today is Thursday, March 26, 2010. Today is a lion or lamb day. (you can decide on that)
Please write this riddle and write your answer: You fly me in the sky and I rhyme with white. What am I? Please write your answer and illustrate a picture.

Trace, Write and Build pg. 319-320

  1. Trace and write words. 
  2. Cut out picture and glue them under the correct beginning sound. 
  3. Can you write down some words that you can sound out. Try your best!
Phonemic Awareness:
Ask you child the following words and ask for either beginning, middle or ending sound
Beginning : up, yes, dig, quit
Middle: cut, head, lock, neck
End: yell, jam, tub, sick

Today we are going to read "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," said the Sloth, written by Eric Carle 
 Here is a cute video for you to listen to and follow along with the words:https://youtu.be/gDsYTyUBfAY

Discuss the Text
Within the text

  • The sloth moves in a special way, doesn't he? What does the sloth do "slowly, slowly, slowly"? 
  • There are other animals in this book besides the sloth. What other animals characters are in this book? What do the other animals say to the sloth?
Beyond the Text
  • What does the sloth think of himself? What do you think of the sloth?
  • What lessons do you think the other animals learn from the sloth?
About the Text
  • What did you notice about Eric Carle's illustrations in this book?
  • Why do you think Eric Carle wrote this book? 
**Please think of an animal and think of a question the animal might ask the sloth.
 Illustrate a picture and write the question the animal would ask the sloth.

For example: "What do you like to eat?' the elephant asked.  Please write this sentence in your homework book. Or on another piece of paper.  

Can you practice reading your book Yes book?  Can you please review your sight words?  Remember the 2 new sight words this week? all and read

Let's practice some more word families. Practice writing these words in your homework book or another piece of paper.

Can you think of 2 more words to add to this word family.

* This paper is in the brown envelope.
Pg 91 & 92 Problem -Solving Strategy -Write a Number Sentence
Pg. 92 Take Away. 50
Also pages 249-250.  This paper was in your child's folder.( I do not think I assigned this paper.  If I did please let me know.)
Vertical Addition 
On page 250. The children have to include the bottom addend number.

Science/Social Studies: Here is a riddle.
Who Am I?
I'm fluffy and warm in my furry coat
Although  we look similar, I'm not a goat!
I live in a herd which is a large mass
And during the day, I eat lots of grass.
Farmers trim me, the turn me and pull!
They don't stop until they get all my wool!
Who Am I?
Here is a cute video.
Can you please write a sentence about the answer? I am a _______________.  Please illustrate a picture too. 

See if you can unscramble these words: Parents, this might be challenging  (sorry) I could give the beginning sound and maybe the ending sound.  (write answers in homework book, paper etc,..)

  1. amr: clue: male sheep___________
  2. dshreehp: clue: cares for the sheep___________
  3. mable: clue: baby sheep_____________
  4. eew: clue: female sheep:______________ 

Religion:pg 203 & 204
Let's pray 3 Hail Mary for our whole world and for each.

Jesus showed us how to pray.
pg. 203put a check next to pictures that show where you pray with others.
pg. 204 color in the name of the Lord's Prayer.

Ok, boys and girls! I hope you had a good day!

United in Prayer:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

Happy Birthday, Iyla!!  Many Blessings to you on your special day!! 

Good morning! Another great day of learning in Kindergarten :)

Miss you all!πŸ‘Ό

Let's start the with prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary and The Pledge of Allegiance:)
Day 25 of Lent.

*** Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation.***. 
Here is a cute video: This will be part of your Religion Lesson.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWBbB8vcx98 The video is 29 minuets.

Please write in your journals. Today is Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Today is a lamb or lion day. (you can decide on that)
Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. (can you illustrate a picture of the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary?)

Can you please find our small book?  The title is Yes! 
Now, this is the Holy Spirit working!! Our book is called Yes and today is the Feast of the Annunciation!!  Miss Lee did not plan this!  Of course our Blessed Mother said YES, to be the mother of our Lord!!  What a great book to read today!

*Read the book with a family member
* Let's circle the high-frequency words: all & read
* What do the kids like to do? Circle all the words that tell you.
*What do the dogs like to do? Read the words that tell you.
*Why does the author say that kids like to yip and yap as well? Point to details in the picture that show this?

Is there a Y paper that I sent home on the last day before we left? We usually do this for homework. Maybe we can do that now for some extra practice.

Can you find your homework book?  Let's write some sentences.

I'll start the sentence and you can finish it.

  1. I like to _________.  (Write the sentence and finish with an answer.)
  2. He is _____________.  (write the sentence and finish with an answer)
Example:  I like to play outside. I like to read. (you do not need to copy Miss Lee)
He is my friend. He is six years old. (choose you own words to finish)

How about some yoga moves? " Peaceful thoughts, peaceful words, peaceful actions. Namaste, girls and boys."

Math   In the brown envelope, please take out page 95-96. Subtract 3 &4. Also, pg. 247-248-This paper was in your child's folder .
This is a good paper to review additional skills.

Science/Social Studies: Clouds

 here is a cute video to watch about different types of clouds:https://youtu.be/LQbSN4ST9kM?list=RDLQbSN4ST9kM

Here is a cute poem:
Scattered and wispy in the sky........Cirrus clouds are drifting by.
Long and flat clouds in the sky .....Stratus clouds are moving by.
Large and puffy clouds in the sky ...Cumulus clouds are floating by.
High and dark clouds in the sky......Cumulonimbus clouds are thundering by.

  Also, there is a paper in the brown envelope that says: Follow Directions with Positional Words.  You can complete this and illustrate a type of cloud from the poem/video.  **This is a winter paper, I know:)***

Today you will have computer/library class. I know how much you love this class. See Ms. Brewer's blog.

Today is the Feast of the Annunciation. Let's pray 3 Hail Mary for world and for our Mothers.
I believe in your child's folder there is a picture for your child to color.  It says the
The Annunciation. Also, the last page of your child's religion book, page 271 -218 , this is nice page to refer to when praying the rosary.  You can take this page out and keep it at home.:) We did not practice the Hail, Holy Queen prayer as a class yet.:)
The video is at the top of the page.

Ok, boys and girls! I hope you had a good day!

Miss you all!!

United in Prayer!!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Good morning!  Another great day of learning in Kindergarten.:)

Miss you all! ☺πŸ’™

Let's start the day with prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary, and The Pledge of Allegiance.:)
Day 24 of Lent:)

Please write in your journals: Today is Tuesday, March 24, 2020.  Today is a (lion or lamb day). You can decide on that. (write this Riddle sentence and write the answer.)

  • You need me to eat and I rhyme with moon. What am I ? ____________________.

** Take a picture of your journal entry and send it to me.**

page 317 Trace and Write Yy. Here is a cute video to watch.  Upper case Y has 3 separate strokes.

https://youtu.be/DKXPBCcXQB8 Here is a video to watch to write lowercase y.  This is how Miss Lee likes to make y. Your pencil comes off the paper when you are finished. It is like making a lowercase u, but you pull down below the "letter house"

Write the letter Yy under the pictures that begin with Yy.
 ** I would love to see how you wrote the Yy's** Send me a picture:)

  1. yo-yo
  2. yell
  3. wagon
  4. yard
  5. gold
  6. yellow

Word Study:  Say the word yell.  How many sounds do you hear? 3, right? Yes! I knew you knew that. :). The word yell has four letters but only 3 sounds. The double final consonants /ll/ together stand for one sound.
Here are some more words that have double final consonants. 
  1. puff
  2. less
  3. kiss
  4. add
  5. egg
  6. will
Maybe you can repeat these words with a family member.:)

pg, 318 Think and Write: Here are the picture names
1. soap 
2. yard

3. van
4. ten

Listen and Spell:
  1. yell
  2. Yes, you can.(Please remember the comma and the period) :) Super work, Kindergarten!!
Let's write some word families: (use homework book for this) If you need to use another piece of paper or journals for this , that fine!

-et family:
  • pet
  • set
  • met 
Can you think of 2 more words for this word family? Write the words down:)
** Send me a picture of the word family and the 2 words you included**

  • How about a little yoga stretch? When you  finish with your yoga moves...prayer hands on our forehead:Peaceful thoughts, prayer hands near our lips (do not touch)Peaceful words, prayer hands over our hearts Peaceful actions....Namaste, boys and girls. :) πŸ’œ
Math: Subtraction. pg. 93&94 (in the brown envelope) Subtract 1 and Subtract 2
Here is a cute video to watch.  When we subtract or minus we take away.  The answer is called the difference. Send a picture of the math paper for today.:)

Gym Class:  I know how much you love this class.  Please see Mrs. MaFadden's blog.:)

Scince/Social Studies:   How to stay Healthy.  There is a paper in the brown envelope. It says Health.   

There are pictures 7 pictures with a pillow in the middle. Which pictures show a proper way to rest?
I am sorry there might be a different paper in your envelope.  Is there a paper with children playing outside?  Your child can complete that paper. So sorry about that.  If your child has the paper about proper sleep habits he or she can complete that paper too. (if you want)

I will send a book from GetEpic. The title is : Healthy Living: Sleep.  Just in case you want to go on your self.   

Religion:  Let us  pray 3 Hail Mary's for our world and for each other.

In the brown envelope there is a RAINBOW with the words : God Keeps His Promises.
Here is the color of the rainbow: Red, orange , green, blue, green, indigo, violet.  Please use the crayons that you have.  If you do not have the crayons that are listed above ....no problem ! Use the crayons you have.:). I would love to see you rainbow. Send a picture:)

I hope you had a great day!
We are United in Prayer :)
Go in Love and Peace

**Please send pictures of the requested work**

Dr. Valenti asked for this to be posted.

It  is from the New Jersey Department of Health

Free Online Resources for Students (4).png.pdf

Dr. Valenti asked for this to be posted.

***This came form the Archdiocese. Dr. Valenti would like for us to post it.** 

Bergen County Food Pantries
Pantry Name & Location: Bergenfield Borough Hall
Hours of Operation: Mon- Fri 8:30am- 4:00pm
Address: 198 N. Washington Ave, Bergenfield
Phone: 201-387-4055
Pantry Name & Location: St. John the Evangelist
Hours of Operation: Last Monday of month 8:30am- 11:00am and 6:00pm – 7:00 pm
Address: 29 N. Washington Ave, Bergenfield
Phone: 201-384-0101
Pantry Name & Location: St. Joseph’s Church
Hours of Operation: Tues 12:30pm-2:00pm, Wed 5:30pm-7:00pm, Thurs-Mon8:00am-4:30pm
Address: 115 E. Fort Lee Road, Bogota
Phone: 201-343-9150
Cliffside Park
Pantry Name & Location: Church of the Epiphany Food Pantry
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-2:00pm
Address: 247 Knox Ave, Cliffside Park
Phone: 201-943-7320
Pantry Name & Location: Closter Borough Hall
Hours of Operation: 2nd Thursday of every month (morning and evening hours)
Address: 295 Closter Dock Road, Closter
Phone:201-784-0600 ext:429
Pantry Name & Location: St. Therese/Cresskill Food Pantry
Hours of Operation: Tues 6:00pm-7:30pm, Wed 10:00-11:11am, Sat 10:00am-Noon
Address:65 B Madison Ave, Cresskill\Edgewater
Pantry Name & Location: Holy Rosary Church Pantry
Hours of Operation: 3rd Thurs 11:00am- Noon
Address: 56 Edgewater Place, Edgewater
Phone: 201-945-6329
Pantry Name & Location: CENTER FOR FOOD ACTION
Hours of Operation: Mon-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm, Tues 9:00am-7:00pm, And first Saturday of every
month: 10:00am-1:00pm
Address: 192 W. Demarest Ave, Englewood
Phone: 201-569-1804
Pantry Name & Location: St. Cecilia Church/ Office of concern
Hours of Operation: Mon- Thurs 9:00am-1:00pm
Address: 85 Demarest Ave, Englewood
Phone: 201-568-1465
Fair Lawn
Pantry Name & Location: Fair Lawn Health Department
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8:30am- 4:30pm
Address: 8-01 Fair Lawn Ave, Fairlawn
Phone: 201-794-5327
Pantry Name & Location: CENTER FOR FOOD ACTION (In St. John the Baptist Church)
Hours of Operation: Mon, Tues and Thurs 9:30am-5:00pm
Address: 239 Anderson Avenue, Fairview
Phone: 201-945-5831
Pantry Name & Location: Calvary Baptist Food and Clothing Pantry
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm, pickups are once a month on 3rd Saturday
Address:217-245 Passaic St., Garfield
Phone: 973-773-2444
Pantry Name & Location: CENTER FOR FOOD ACTION
Hours of Operation: Mon-Thurs 9:30am-3:30pm, Fri 9:30am-2:30pm
Address: 316 First Street, Hackensack
Phone: 201-883-9375
Pantry Name & Location: Bergen County Housing, Health and Human Services Center
Hours of Operation: Lunch 11:30am-12:30am, Dinner 5:00pm-6:00pm
Address: 120 South River St., Hackensack
Phone: 201-336-6475
Hasbrouck Heights
Pantry Name: Hasbrouck Heights Borough Hall
Hours of Operation: Mon 9:00am-11:00am
Address: 320 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Hts.
Phone: 201-288-0195
Pantry Name: Hillsdale Board of Health/ Helping Hands, Interfaith Food Pantry, United Methodist
Hours of Operation: Mon 5:30pm-6:45pm, 1st Sat of month 9:00am- 10:30am
Address: 349 Hillsdale Ave, Hillsdale
Phone: 201-664-0600
Little Ferry
Pantry Name: St. Margaret of Cortona Food Pantry
Hours of Operation: 3rd Wed 10:00-Noon
Address: 31 Chamberlain Ave, Little Ferry
Phone: 201-641-2988
Pantry Name & Location: Sacred Heart Church
Hours of Operation: Sat 9:30am -11:00am
Address: 324 Ridge Rd., Lyndhurst
Phone: 201-483-1147
Hours of Operation: Mon 10:00am-6:30pm, Tues-Fri 10:00am-2:00pm
Address: 90 Ridge Rd, Mahwah
Phone: 201-529-2029
Maywood/Rochelle Park
Pantry Name & Location: Maywood/Rochelle Park Welfare
Hours of Operation: Mon- Fri 10:00am-4:00pm
Address: 151 W Passaic Street, Rm 160, Rochelle Park
Phone: 201-581-7730
New Milford
Pantry Name: Church of the Ascension Food Pantry
Hours of Operation: 3rd Mon 6:00pm-7:00pm, 3rd Tues 9:30am-10:00am
Address: 256 Azalea Drive, New Milford
Phone: 201-836-8961
North Arlington
Pantry Name: Queen of Peace Church
Hours of Operation: Sat 9:00am
Address: 174 Ridge Rd., North Arlington
Phone: 201-997-0700
Town: Paramus
Pantry Name: Paramus Dept. of Human Services
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm
Address: 93 N. Farview Ave, Paramus
Phone: 201-265-2100 ext:635
Park Ridge
Pantry Name: Pascack Food Center
Hours of Operation: Tues/Thurs 9:00am-11:00am
Address: 65 Pascack Road, Park Ridge
Phone: 201-573-9083
Ridgefield Park
Pantry Name & Location: St. Francis Food for Friends
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:30pm (pickups bi weekly)
Address: 114 Mt. Vernon St., Ridgefield Park
Phone: 201-641-6464
Pantry Name & Location: Social Services of Ridgewood
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 10:00am-3:00pm
Phone: 201-444-2980
Pantry Name & Location: Rutherford Community Food Pantry
Hours of Operation Mon/Thurs 2:00-4:00pm, Wed 5:00-7:00pm
Address: 176 Park Ave, Rutherford
Phone: 201-460-3628
Saddle Brook
Pantry Name & Location: CENTER FOR FOOD ACTION
Hours of Operation: Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri 10:00am-3:00pm, Tues 12:00-6:00pm
Address: 224 Midland Ave, Saddle Brook
Phone: 201-703-9857
Pantry Name & Location: Faith and Hope Food Pantry
Hours of Operation: Sat 9:00am-11:00am
Address: 480 Warwick Ave, Teaneck
Phone: 201-833-4501
Pantry Name: St. Andrew’s Church
Hours of Operation: Thurs 7:30pm
Address: 120 Washington Ave, Westwood
Phone: 201-666-1100

Dr. Paula Valenti
St. Joseph School 
Oradell, NJ
Office: (201) 261-2473 (x42)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Monday, March 23, 2020

Good morning! Another great day of learning in Kindergarten:)

                   Family, Faith and Friends are the BEST MEDICINE!
Miss you all!πŸ’™
Let's start the day with prayer : Our Father, Hail Mary and The Pledge of Allegiance:)
Day 23 of Lent:)

 Did you notice Msgr. Hubba wearing pink for Sunday Mass?  Yesterday was Laetare Sunday.  Laetare Sunday is the 4th Sunday of Lent.  Easter is near!

Please write in your journals:  Today is Monday, March 23, 2020.  Today is a (lion or lamb day).  (You can decide on that). Yesterday was Laetare Sunday.

**Show-N-Tell: Week of March 23rd:  Find an object that starts with Q and an object that starts with Y. (I know we missed some letters :). How about we share these  items during our Zoom conference this Friday? :)

High Frequency words of the week: all and read. Write these words on your paper: Sight Words of the Week paper." Then hang on your refrigerator:). I am sorry that I only sent home 2 copies.
** Parents, can you make copies of the blank paper.  If not no worries, words can be written in either, homework book, journal or another piece of paper.). If I only sent home one paper, forgive me!

Letter and Blend pg. 313
Blend it 
Row 1. say sounds of letters: circle y
Row 2. blend sounds of word or repeat a family member when he or she reads the words. Circle yes and yell
Row 3. blend sounds of word  or repeat a family member when he or she reads the words. Circle words: yum, yet, and yap
Row. 4 blends sounds of words or repeat a family member when he or she reads the words..  nothing to circle here
Row 5. blend sounds of words or repeat a family member repeat the words he or she reads
cicle yelling
Row. 6. Read sentence. Circle the word yell.
Row 7. Read sentence. Circle the words: yell and you.

Pg. 314

1. & 2.Practice writing the high-frequency words.

Use in Context
Fill in the sentence with the correct word.

How about a little yoga stretch ?

** Today you will have Art Class.** see Mrs. Nuvola's blog.:)

In the packet of papers-Extra- only complete if needed...Please complete the Rhyming paper .  It has 5 pictures : hat, bow, fish, cake, kite.  Please cut and glue pictures to the correct word that rhyme.

Today we will read the book; DOES A KANGAROO HAVE A MOTHER, TOO?
Here is a cute video to read a long with.https://youtu.be/8fUQLp2TwSs

Discuss the Text:  Discuss with a family member.
Within the text:
  • Let's talk about the animals in this book. Was there one you learned something about new about? What did you learn 
  • What did you learn about animals form this book?
Beyond the text:
  • How are the animals in this book like people? 
  • Revist any page in the book. How can you tell that the animal loves her babies?
About the text:
  • There is something about his book that helps you to know what is coming on the next page. What did you notice about that?
  • Think about Eric Carle's illustrations. How do you think he made them? 
  • How about drawing a writing a sentence about one of the animals in the book? 
My favorite animal from this book is________________.
Draw in journal, homework book or another piece of paper.  I'm sorry that I didn't give out paper , before we left. 

How about a little snack? 

In the first packet of papers that I gave out, please complete pages: 245-246. Add 4

  1. can you find manipulative to count?  Here is a cute video to watch: . https://youtu.be/UqQ1VkBvuRs

Science/Social Studies:
In the brown envelope that was left in the bread box, there is a My Good Food Book. 
Please have your child cut out the book and glue the picture from the paper onto the page.  
If you could staple the book together. If not, a paper clip is fine.

I am sure your family gives you a nice lunch everyday. Remember your prayers before your lunch and can you do a little movement, after lunch? 

Religion: Let's pray 3 Hail Mary for our world and for each other.
In the Religion book (way in the front ) there should be a Saint Joseph little book. (sorry if you do not have one..do not worry). Read the book with a family member.:)

**Pg. 165 -166  Let's Celebrate Jesus. Read the prayer with a family member. pg 166. Illustrate a picture for Jesus.


I looked at some more websites for your child to go on after they complete their work:

These are websites that your child can use everyday. Please refer to this page to get these websites through out the week.
  1.  San Diego Zoo :https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/
  • Last week I sent Progress in Mathematics and GetEpic (please check email)
  • Youttube: Beginner Bible story for Children: How about watching; Joseph and His Brothers

Hope you had a great day!


We are United in Prayer !