Tuesday, March 17, 2020

***Wednesday, 18, 2020**

Good morning, girls and boys!!  God is Good.  We able to keep in touch via the computer.  
Good morning, Kindergarten Families! 

Miss seeing all of you!! It's going to be another good day.😇

You can start the day with our morning prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary and The Pledge of the Allegiance. :). Day 19 of Lent.

** Please write in your journals:
Today is Wednesday, March 18, 2020.  Today is a (lion or lamb day). You can decide on that.
**Illustrate a picture**

** Practice saying the sound of Q:
Today we will practice writing the letter Q.  Pg. 305
We start at the top and curve down to the left and complete the circle at the top.  Use the lines to help you. The next stroke is a short slant starting below the dotted line(middle of the house) and ends at the bottom.  Lower case q: Start at the dotted line (the middle of the "house") circle to the left.  The circle should touch the middle and the bottom of the "house."  Then put your pencil back-up to the middle of the house and  pull down and curve to the right. This letter falls below the bottom of the house.  Write the letters qu under the picture that begin with the Q /kw/ sound. Pictures name: 1. quilt, 2. quack, 3.quiz, 4. key. 5. heart, 6. queen.  You do not need to write the letters under the other pictures.
Pg 306 . Have family member read the dictions. picture #1. queen -picture #2. jug

Picture #3. nut- picture # 4. mix.

Listen and Spell:
1. Write the word: quit
2. Write the sentence: The dog is quick.

Today's book is Have you seen my cat?  
Here is the Link:

Here are some questions to review while reading listening to this story. You can share your answers with a family member.  You do not need to write down the answers.

1. What problem did the boy have in the story? How did he solve it?
2. How do the people respond to the boy when he asks if they've seen the cat?
3. The boy found lots of cats in his travels. What kinds did  he see? What do you know about these cats?
4. What parts of this story do you think could happen in real life? What parts would probably not happen in real life?

5. Draw a picture of your favorite cat form this story.  You can use you journal or another piece of paper. Write a sentence:
 This is my favorite cat from the story.   Try your best boys and girls...and God will do the rest. :)

***How about a little yoga stretch? *** You know what to do . :)

Math: In the folder that was sent home, there is a packet of papers that is labeled: complete if only needed. There is a paper titled: TIME BY THE HOUR.  Complete that paper and then do the following directions.

Can you find your clown clocks?  Show the following times: 2:00, 5:00, 11:00.
*Show the time our school day starts.
* Show the time you have dinner.
If you can not find it's ok !!! Not a problem. Just review on a clock in your home. :)

Let's try time by the half hour.  2:30, 4:30. 9:30.  Remember the big hand is always on the 6 and the little hand is between the two numbers. For example: 2:30 ..the big hand on the 6 and the little hand is between the 2 and the 3.

Science/Social Studies:
Let's review the four food groups; Here is a cute video to watch about the food groups.
I'm not 100% sure if I put in a food group paper in the folder.  If not no worries. Sorry about that.  Can you draw a food that you may have already eaten and write a sentence about it. You can use a piece of paper or your journal book.

I know how much you look forward to this class.:)

Remember to have snack, lunch and a little movement throughout the day.:)

Let's pray a decade of the Rosary. Our Blessed Mother always has her arms around us.

In your Religion Books pg. 217, 218, 219, 220.
We Care About Others As Jesus Did
There are some cute songs to sing and pictures to color and match the correct picture to the sentence.
https://youtu.be/HWGC-KoYU18 Here is a link to praying the Rosary. On Wednesday the Glorious Mysteries are prayed.

I hope you enjoyed your day!!  Go in Love and Peace~

We are United in Prayer!! 🙏