Playtime Reminders

Playtime Guidelines K-2


Basketball-games like ‘Horse’ or taking turns shooting baskets. 

Soft balls-to roll or use for 4 Square/Box Ball, no kicking the ball.

Tag (no prisoners)     Jump ropes-only for jumping

Bey Blades or Cars     Rainbow bracelet looms

Dolls                           Red Light, Green Light

Hopscotch                 Duck, Duck, Goose

Hula Hoops                Books for reading

No soccer or technology



Soft balls for basketball in one section of gym (like outside Horse or taking turns)

Rainy Day Kits                         Books for reading

Cards                                       Lego’s


Board Games

Color or draw

No soccer, technology, or jump ropes



Line up Procedure

Monitor blows whistle 5 minute before bell.

        *Students are to freeze and listen for directions.

One Monitor calls grade to:

*Clean up jump rope, ball, hula hoops, checkers, and beanbags.  Put them in crates.

Second Monitor (K-2) or student helper (Gr. 3-4):

 *Watches crates to be sure toys are

        put away neatly.

        *Get jackets or personal toys.

        *Walk on line, face front, and stay on line.

        * No more talking, playing, or running around after

        the whistle blows.


Consequences for not following the Rules

1st time – warning or spoke to by monitor

2nd time - item taken away for 2 minute

3rd time - Time out (5 minutes) or ‘Making Better Choices Reminder’


Consequences for Improper Physical Behavior

Given Better Choice reminder with explanation

Inform Principal and Classroom Teacher

Take student to the Main Office
Playground Rules
1.    When dismissed from cafeteria, walk into gym.
2. Grades will be called to go outside.
3. One student at a time will take one item.  Share.
4. If you have your own item, go to a place to play.

5. Play kindly.  Please include anyone who would like to play. 
If there are any problems speak to a lunch monitor. 
6. Keep hands and feet to yourself. No teasing, pushing, pulling or chasing.

7. When the whistle blows, stop playing and freeze, listen for directions, clean up , walk to your line, face front, and stay on line.  No more talking, playing or running around after the bell rings.
This should make recess more pleasant and much safer for everyone.