Miss seeing you all!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Good Morning Kindergarten Families!! Thank you for all your support!!
You can start the day with our morning prayers: Our Father, Hail Mary and The Pledge of Allegiance:) Day 18 of Lent :)
** Please write in your journals:
Today is Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Today is the feast of Saint Patrick. Today is a lion or lamb day. (you can decide on that)
Today we will complete the Saint Patrick's Day activities:)
- There is a paper with word families. "Lucky Word Families" Please color the correct shamrock (4 leaf clover) hat goes along with word family.
- There is a green construction paper with words on it. Cut out the hearts to make a shamrock that goes along with the correct word family. Glue onto the other construction paper. If for some reason you do not have it glue onto another paper. I believe there is a little sample on the bottom of the green paper.
- CVC Shamrocks: Write the correct word under each picture. (Left-Right- pig, web, tub, hat, fox, lip, sun, pot
** Do a little yoga stretch :)***
Shamrock Counting: Fill in the missing Numbers.
Gym: This your favorite class. :). Mrs. McFadden has a lesson on a blog. Go to About Us on sjsusa.org click on Specials..and you will see Mrs. Mc Fadden's blog
Science/Social Studies: https://youtu.be/LmNc-NTfmPc?list=TLPQMTYwMzIwMjCfR8peeIPR9g
Here is a short video on the history of St. Patrick. I hope the link works. :)
There is a Lots of O' Green Book. Have fun cutting and coloring the shamrock out. on Page #3 cut out arms and glue onto the correct place.
Religion : There is a green paper with 3 hearts. God the Father , God the Son God the Holy Spirit and stem with The Holy Trinity. Cut and glue onto a piece of paper or you could also glue this on to the other side of the shamrock word family paper. There is a nice St. Patrick's Day prayer paper too.
If you have time-there is a St. Patrick's day book ..cut and glue the sight word : was onto every page. I believe there might be another coloring paper to color too. (if you have time)
I hope you enjoyed our St. Patrick's Day activity day!!
We are United in Prayer:) https://images.app.goo.gl/XQvYVGUaqDvPuzyL6
Have a nice day! Go in Love and Peace :)