Friday, December 21, 2018

Our Christmas celebration was so great!! The Christmas Tree brownies, the strawberry Santas , the reindeer pretzel bag and the reindeer bottles of water were enjoyed by all!!!  Thank you to all the volunteers for sending in the snack and the paper products.

It was a fun day!!!

Merry Christmas!!! 😊🌲

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The children did such great job performing in our  Christmas Pageant ..  Thank you for all your support.

**The Nativity Play ( 7th Graders) will take place in the Upper Church: Wednesday, Dec. 19th  @1:30 pm.  Join us if you can.

**  Thursday, Dec. 20th: Christmas Tag Day $2.00.. Try to wear red and green :)

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Homework books / math worksheet will not be handed out this week.:)

Tuesday , Dec. 18th: Our Christmas Pageant will be @ 8:30. Students should come to school at regular time with their costumes on with comfortable clothes underneath. ( children do not have to wear school uniform, children will wear their own comfortable clothes all day. Children do not need to change into their uniform .) After the play the Kindergarten  student and their family will decorate an  “Ice -Cream Cone Christmas Tree”.

Happy 3rd Week of Advent~
Rejoice !! The Lord is Near!!

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Friday, December 14, 2018

Happy Friday!!

Happy Weekend!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

** Ugly Sweater Contest, Friday, Dec. 14th: $2.00**

Santa Shop: First Group on Wednesday ...Second Group on Thursday

Please see schedule that was sent home.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Homework for the Week of Dec. 10th
Monday: Practice writing a row of each numeral and word:
0, zero, 1, one
Tuesday : Practice writing a row of each numeral and word:
2, two, 3, three
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of Q and 2 rows of q
Thursday: Math worksheet

Wednesday: Dec. 12th: PTO Pizza lunch

Happy 2nd Week of Advent ~

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

No math worksheet tonight.

There is a Christmas concert for grades 1-8.

Have a good evening ! :)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Homework for the Week of Dec. 3rd:
Monday: Practice writing full name 3x's
Tuesday: Practice writing 2 rows of P and 2 rows of p
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each letter: O,o,P,p
Thursday: Math worksheets

Happy 1st Week of Advent!

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten! ;)

Friday, November 30, 2018

Please see your child’s Advent Wreath inside your child’s folder. Also, there is an Advent Challenge for your family to read.

Happy Advent!!

Come , Lord Jesus, Come Quickly!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Homework for the Week of the Nov. 26th:
Monday: Practice writing full name 3x's
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each letter: L, l, M, m
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of O and 2 rows of o
Thursday: Math Worksheet

**Here's to another great week in Kindergarten

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The children did a wonderful job reciting and singing the Thanksgiving poems this morning.  Thank you for joining us!

Our Thanksgiving Feast was enjoyed by everyone!! All the treats were delicious and so creative!

Thank you so very much!


Sunday, November 18, 2018

There is no homework this week

A Blessed Thanksgiving to everyone ~

I am so Thankful for my 16 lovable five and six year olds that laugh at my goofy jokes each day and fill me up each day with their enthusiasm and joy!

Tuesday, November 20th: Thanksgiving Prayer Service in the Church @ 2:00. Our class will recite a poem. Join us if you can. :)

Wednesday, Nov. 21st: Class Thanksgiving Poems ....more details in your child’s folder

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Homework for the Week of Nov. 11th:
Monday:  Practice writing 2 rows of L and 2 rows of l
Tuesday :  Practice writing 2 rows of M and 2 rows of m
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of N and 2 rows n
Thursday: Math worksheet

***"Wednesday: PTO Pizza lunch.

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Homework for the week of Nov. 5th:
Monday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Tuesday: Practice writing 2 rows of K and 2 rows of k
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each letter: J, j K, k
Thursday : Math paper

* Tuesday , November 5th: Parent / Teacher conferences
No School for students

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Happy Weekend~

Remember to “Fall Back”.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

God indeed blesssed us with a great day!!  Thank you to all the chaperones! It really was a group effort!!
 It was a great show.
Thank you !!!

Wear red, white and blue. ( or one of those colors ) for our Veterans Day Program.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Please look inside your child’s folder regarding a important note about our class trip for tomorrow .:)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Children may wear gym uniform to school tomorrow and Thursday! :)

Thank you :)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Homework for the week of October 28th:
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of J and 2 rows  of j
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each letter: G, g, H, h

No Homework on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Happy Halloween!!

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten!

Please see weekly note for more details about our busy week.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Happy  Weekend~

Let’s try to “see” all of God’s wonderful blessings he provides us. :)

Friday, October 26, 2018

Monday, Oct. 29th: Book Fair: During library / Computer time. Please send in money if you would like your child to purchase books.  Thank you .

Monday, October 22, 2018

 Week of  Oct. 22nd : Please bring in coins/dollar bill  for book drive . :)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Homework for the Week of Oct. 22nd:

Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of H and 2 rows of h
Tuesday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Wednesday : Practice writing 2 rows of I and 2 rows of i
Thursday : Math paper

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten . :)

Friday, October 19, 2018

Happy Weekend!! Blessings to your Families:)

We had a great week in Kindergarten!!

Pumpkins, bats and spiders ... oh my!!!

We enjoyed learning about these topics!!!

~ Stay Warm:)

Monday, October 15, 2018

Homework for the week of Oct. 15th
Monday : Practice writing a row of each letter : E, e, F, f
Tuesday : Practice writing 2 rows of G and 2 rows g
Wednesday : Practice writing full name 3x’s
Thursday : Math paper

Wednesday : No School for students

Wednesday Show - N - Tell Day :  children can bring items any day .

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)
*** Wednesday Show - N - Tell can bring their Show- N-Tell on Tuesday or Wednesday :)
** Pumpkin Day was fun today!!!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Class Picture Day , Monday , October 15th: Wear “Winter School Uniform”

** Boys wear long pants, dress shirt , and shoes ( no sneakers)

**Girls wear jumper , blouse , navy socks or tights, and shoes ( no sneakers)

Have a nice weekend!!! Happy Fall!!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Tag Day tomorrow .. Friday, Oct. 12th!! 

2.00 for Breast Cancer Awareness!! 

Wear pink!!!

No pink to wear ... wear red, purple !!

Yes.. jeans!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Monday, October 15th  Class Picture Day!! Wear “winter school uniform”.  Thank you!:)


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Homework for the Week of  October 8th

Monday: Practice writing a row of each letter: C, c , D, d
Tuesday: Practice writing 2 rows of F and 2 rows of f
Wednesday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Thursday : Math worksheet

**** Wednesday , Oct. 10th:  PTO Pizza lunch  ****

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Friday, October 5, 2018

The children were super listeners in church this morning!!

Happy Weekend~

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Homework for the Week of : Oct. 1st
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of D and 2 rows of d
Tuesday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of E and 2 rows of e
Thursday: Math worksheet

Friday, Dismissal @ 12:00. We will attend mass @ 10:30....All Are Welcome !

****October 1st- October 5th: Week of Respect *****

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten.:)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dismissal @12:00  Friday, Sept. 28th
Have a nice night! :)
See you tomorrow !

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Homework for the Week of Sept. 24th
Monday : Practice a row of each letter : A, a, B, b
Tuesday: Practice writing 2 rows of C and 2 rows of c
Wednesday : Practice writing full name 3x’s
Thursday : Math worksheet

Friday, September 28th: Dismissal @ 12:00

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten. :)

Friday, September 21, 2018

Happy Weekend~

Thank you for coming to Back To School Nigh. It was great to see everyone.:)

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Homework for the Week of Sept. 17th:
Monday; Practice writing 2 rows of A and 2 rows of a
Tuesday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of B and 2 rows of b
Thursday:Math worksheet

***Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)****

Friday, September 14, 2018

We finished our first full week of Kindergarten.:)
Everyone is doing a super job!!!
*** Have fun at the carnival!!!******

Thursday, September 13, 2018

 The children are bringing home their first math homework paper. Please complete back and front.
Thank you :)

Monday, September 10, 2018

 Please remember to bring enough drinks for morning recess, lunch and a drink of water for after  lunch / recess. Thank you!!:)

*** Msgr. Hubba and Dr. Valenti both commented on how our class sat and listened so nicely in church today. Proud teacher!!!! Great job, Kindergarten!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Homework for the Week of  September 10th:
Monday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Tuesday: Practice writing full name 3x’s
Wednesday : Practice writing full name 3x’s
Thursday : Math worksheet

**** Specials begin this week****

Please return the folder that your child received on the first day of school everyday. Thank you!:)
Please place homework book inside folder each day :) *** Thank you:)

****Here’s to a wonderful first week of Kindergarten :)*****
Mass will be celebrated @10:30 on Monday, Sept. 10, 2018.
All Are Welcome!

Please write me a note if someone else is picking up your child or going to aftercare.:)

Friday, September 7, 2018

**It was a fantastic Friday!!

****The Prep-Rally was so much fun!!! Thank you to our St. Joseph School P. T.O.!!

******The children can color a picture of our Blessed Mother, Mary to celebrate her birthday on Saturday! Feel free to return them on Monday for a special sticker. (Do not worry if the papers are not returned)

****We will meet in the cafeteria Monday morning.

~~Have a nice weekend!!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

For the trip to Disney on Ice:  The yellow form that was sent home yesterday was to get a head count for parent volunteers. We reserved seats for students . We need to reserve the right amount of seats, which is why we sent home the note and requested that the parents pay for the seats now. The cost p/ adult is $20.00. The information regarding students will come home soon-including permissions slips and cost per child which will include the bus.  Should be a fun trip!!

Great Second Day!!!

*** We will meet outside again tomorrow .

**** Starting Monday we will begin to meeting in the cafeteria in the morning. :)

Have a nice evening!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Super First Day!

Show-N-Tell will start next week . (Sept. 10th)

** Arrival for tomorrow .... Same place ... outside @ 8:00. (If it is raining we will meet inside the cafeteria )

*** Lots of papers inside your child’s folder for you to keep at home.

**** Please return folder each day. Thank you!!

*** See you tomorrow !!!******

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First Day of Kindergaten !!!! How exciting!!! September 5, 2018.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Graduation was great!!
Happy Summer ~
Stay Close to God :)

Monday, June 11, 2018

See you tomorrow !! Big Day!!! Can’t wait!!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

We had wonderful Field Day today!! The activities were so much fun!
The D.J. was the perfect ending to a perfect day!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

No homework tonight!!! Rest up for field day!!! It’s going to be a great day!!:)

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Homework for the Werk of June 4th:
This week a variety of Reading and Math worksheets will be sent home
 Thursday: Field Day. Please wear appropriate color t-shirt. Please apply your child with sunscreen if needed.

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Monday, May 28, 2018

Homework for the Week of May 29th:
Tuesday: Reading worksheet
Wednesday : Reading worksheet
Thursday : Math worksheet
Friday: 12:00 Dismissal. 10:30 Mass .. All  Are Welcome !
(Bring a sweater .. it could be chilly )
Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Homework for the week for May 21st:

** Fill in the sentences:

Monday: Look at me in the________.
** Can you see my ________?

Tuesday: *** She is ________.

*** He is ___________.

Wednesday: *** Go to the ________.

*** We are ________.

Thursday : Math worksheets

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten.:)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Our Principal for the Day; Mr. Niebergall ...issued No Homework for tonight!!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Homework for the Week is May 14th
Fill in and write sentences.
Monday: My name is_______.
My birthday is_______.

My address is _____.
My phone number is ______.

My favorite color is_____.
I like to _________.

Math worksheet

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten!:)

Friday, May 11, 2018

The children did such a great job this morning!!  They were so excited!!!
“We Love Our Mothers”
Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Homework for the Week of May 7th:
Monday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 91, 92, 93, 94 , 95
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
Wednesday: No Homework
Thursday: Math worksheet

Wednesday: PTO Pizza Lunch!

Thursday: Ascension Thursday we will attend Mass @ 10:30. All Are Welcome!

Friday, Tag Day $2.00 .

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Kindergarten and The First Grade Classes did a wonderful job singing and praying during Mass today!!
It was a lovely Mass .:)
 Monday, May 7th: Tag Day to support .. Getting Back On Your Feet.

We will have gym on Monday.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kindergarten and First Grade Mass on Friday, May 4th. Join us if you can . :)10:30 Mass

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Homework for the Week of April 29th
Monday: Write and complete sentences:
** I went to ______________.
** They are _______________.

Tuesday: Write and complete sentences:
** This is a _______________.
** I see some______________.

Wednesday: Practice writing the following numbers:
86, 87, 88, 89 , 90

Thursday: Math worksheets

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Upper School Students will be selling items at lunch time tomorrow. The items that will be sold are bakery items , slime etc... The cost is about $1.00 or so. The proceeds will go towards Lancer Relay for Cancer. If you would like your child to purchase items during snack time , please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name on it.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Homework for the Week of April 23rd
Monday: Practice writing the following sentences:  (and fill in the blank)
** I like my______________.
** I saw a ________________.

Tuesday: Practice writing the following sentences: (and fill in the blank)
** It is a _________________.
** Here comes the ____________________.

Wednesday: Practice writing the following numbers:
81, 82, 83, 84, 85

Thursday: Math worksheet

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten! ;)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Homework for the Week of April 16th

Monday: Practice writing the following sentences:
** This is my________.
*** Here is the ________.

Tuesday: Practice writing the following sentences:
** I like the __________.

** I am a_________.

Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 76, 77, 78, 79, 80

Thursday; Math worksheet

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Homework for the Week of April 9th
Monday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 66, 67, 68, 69, 70
Tuesday: Write and complete sentences: *** I see a __________.
                                                                 ****Look at my new ________.
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 71, 72, 73, 74, 75
Thursday: Math Worksheet

Wednesday: Pizza lunch

Happy Easter Season!!

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Sunday, March 25, 2018

No Homework for the Week of March 26th

A Blessed and Holy Easter~

Happy Holy Week ~

Wednesday, March 28th: Easter Celebration.  Dismissal @ 12:00.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Homework for the Week of March 19th
Monday: Practice writing a row of each numeral:51, 52, 53, 54, 55
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 56, 57, 68, 59, 60
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 61, 62, 63, 64, 65
Thursday: Math worksheet

Thank you for bringing in the snack for our St.Patrick’s Day celebration.

Here’s to another great week  in Kindergarten :)

Happy St. Joseph’s Day!

Happy 5th Week  of Lent

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pizza Lunch: Wednesday, March 14th. Kitchen will be closed

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Homework for the Week of March 12th:
Monday: Practice writing a row of each word: uncle, under, unicorn, uniform
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each word: mug, hug, fun, sun
Thursday:Math worksheet.
Friday: St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Wear your favorite St. Patrick’s Day shirt or sweater or wear something green. Also, bring in a St. Patrick’s Day show-n-tell or a green object.

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten.:)

Happy 4th Week in Lent

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Homework for the Week of March 5th:
Monday: Practice writing a row of each word: igloo, insect, ice, island
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each word: pin, fin, sip, hip
Thursday: Math worksheet

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten.:)

Happy 3rd Week in Lent

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Homework for the Week of February 26th
Monday: Practice writing a row of each word: elf, egg, eagle, east
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each word: mop, stop, dog, frog
Thursday: Math worksheet
Friday: Dismissal @ 12:00. ****10:30 Mass...All Are Welcome:)

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Monday, February 12, 2018

Homework for the week of February 12th
Monday : Practice writing a row of each word: ape, angel, apple ant
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each number: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each word: pen, ten, met, set
Thursday: Math worksheet

Wednesday: Mass @ 10:30 .. All Are Welcome to join us.

Thursday: St. Valentine’s Day celebration. Wear something red or a Valentine’s Day shirt over your uniform

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten :)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                      Flu Information
The Flu:
A Guide for Parents
                                                                                                        In uenza (also known as  u) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by in uenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Flu is di erent from a cold, and usually comes on suddenly. Each year  u viruses cause millions of illnesses, hundreds of thousands of hospital stays and thousands or tens of thousands of deaths in the
United States.
Flu can be very dangerous for children. CDC es mates that since 2010, between 7,000 and 26,000 children younger than 5 years have been hospitalized each year in the United States because of in uenza. The  u vaccine is safe and helps protect children from  u.
What parents should know
How serious is  u?
While  u illness can vary from mild to severe, children o en need medical care because of  u. Children younger than 5 years and children of any age with certain long-term health problems are at high risk of  u complica ons like pneumonia, bronchi s, sinus and ear infec ons. Some health problems that are known to make children more vulnerable to  u include asthma, diabetes and disorders of the brain or nervous system.
How does  u spread?
Flu viruses are thought to spread mainly by droplets made when someone with  u coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. A person also can get  u by touching something that has  u virus on it and then touching their mouth, eyes, or nose.
What are  u symptoms?
Flu symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny
or stu y nose, body aches, headache, chills, feeling  red
and some mes vomi ng and diarrhea (more common in children than adults). Some people with the  u will not have a fever.
Protect your child
How can I protect my child from  u?
The  rst and best way to protect against  u is to get a yearly  u vaccine for yourself and your child.
§ Flu vaccina on is recommended for everyone 6 months and older every year.
§It’s especially important that young children and children with certain long-term health problems get vaccinated.
§ Caregivers of children at high risk of  u complica ons should get a  u vaccine. (Babies younger than 6 months are at high risk for serious  u complica ons, but too young to get a  u vaccine.)
§ Pregnant women should get a  u vaccine to protect to protect themselves and their baby from  u. Research shows that  u vaccina on protects the baby from  u for several months a er birth.
§ Flu viruses are constantly changing and so  u vaccines are updated o en to protect against the  u viruses that research indicates are most likely to cause illness during the upcoming  u season.
Is  u vaccine safe?
Flu vaccines are made using strict safety and produc on measures. Millions of people have safely received  u vaccines for decades. Common side e ects from the  u shot are soreness where the shot is given, headaches, muscle aches, and fever. These side e ects are generally mild and go away on their own within a few days. A  u vaccine cannot cause  u illness. CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend an annual  u vaccine for all children 6 months and older.
What are the bene ts of ge ng a  u vaccine?
§ A  u vaccine can keep you and your child from ge ng sick. When vaccine viruses and circula ng viruses are matched,  u vaccina on has been shown to reduce the risk of ge ng sick with  u by about half.
§ Flu vaccines can keep your child from being hospitalized from  u. One recent study showed that  u vaccine reduced children’s risk of  u-related pediatric intensive care unit admission by 74%.

  § Flu vaccine can prevent your child from dying from  u. A study using data from recent  u seasons found that  u vaccine reduced the risk of  u-associated death by half among children with high risk medical condi ons and
by nearly two-thirds among children without medical condi ons.
§ Flu vaccina on also may make your illness milder if you do get sick.
§ Ge ng yourself and your child vaccinated also can protect others who may be more vulnerable to serious  u illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain long-term health problems.
What are some other ways I can protect my
child against  u?
In addi on to ge ng a  u vaccine, you and your child should take everyday ac ons to help prevent the spread of germs.
Stay away from people who are sick as much as possible to keep from ge ng sick yourself. If you or your child are sick, avoid others as much as possible to keep from infec ng them. Also, remember to regularly cover your coughs
and sneezes, wash your hands o en, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and clean surfaces that may be contaminated with  u viruses. These everyday ac ons can help reduce your chances of ge ng sick and prevent the spread of germs to others if you are sick. However, a yearly  u vaccine is the best way to prevent  u illness
If your child is sick
What can I do if my child gets sick?
Talk to your doctor early if you are worried about your child’s illness.
Make sure your child gets plenty of rest and drinks enough  uids. If your child is 5 years and older without long-term health problems and gets  u symptoms, including a fever and/or cough, consult your doctor as needed.
§ Not drinking enough  uids (not going to the bathroom or not making as much urine as they normally do)
§ Severe or persistent vomi ng § Not waking up or not
interac ng
§ Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
§ Flu symptoms improve, but then return with fever and worse cough
§ Fever with rash
Is there a medicine to treat  u?
Yes. An viral drugs are prescrip on medicines that can be used to treat  u illness. They can shorten your illness and make it milder and they can prevent serious complica ons that could result in a hospital stay. An virals work best when started during the  rst 2 days of illness. An viral drugs are recommended to treat  u in people who are very sick (for example, people who are in the hospital) or people who are at high risk of serious  u complica ons. An virals can be given to children and pregnant women.
How long can a sick person spread  u to
People with  u may be able to infect others from 1 day before ge ng sick to up to 5 to 7 days a er. Severely ill people or young children may be able to spread the  u longer, especially if they s ll have symptoms.
Can my child go to school, day care, or camp if
he or she is sick?
No. Your child should stay home to rest and to avoid giving the  u to other children or caregivers.
When can my child go back to school a er
having the  u?
Keep your child home from school, day care, or camp for at least 24 hours a er their fever is gone. (The fever should be gone without the use of a fever-reducing medicine.) A fever is de ned as 100°F (37.8°C) or higher.
For more informa on, visit u
or call 800-CDC-INFO
                                                                       Children younger than 5 years of age – especially those younger than 2 years – and children with certain long-term health problems (including asthma, diabetes and disorders of the brain or nervous system), are at high risk of serious  u-related complica ons. Call your doctor or take your child to the doctor right away if they develop  u symptoms.
What if my child seems very sick?
Even healthy children can get very sick from  u. If your child is experiencing the following emergency warning signs you should go to the emergency room:
§ Emergency warning signs of  u:
§ Fast breathing or trouble breathing § Bluish or gray skin color
                                                 July 2017 | CS277094-B

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Homework for the Week of Feb. 5th
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of Z and 2 rows of z
Tuesday: Practice Writing a row of each number: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
Wednesday: Practice writing a row of each word: man, tan, mat, cat
Thursday: No homework...Tricky Tray Event! Have a fun evening!!!

Wednesday, February 7th: PTO Pizza Lunch

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten:)

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Friday, Feb. 2nd: Super Bowl Celebration: Wear your favorite team shirt over uniform. The shirt will be removed before mass.

10:30 Mass ... All Are Welcome

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Homework for the Week of Jan. 29th:
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of X and 2 rows of x
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each numeral: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of Y and 2 rows of y
Thursday: No Homework.  

Here's to another great week in Kindergarten

Happy Catholic Schools Week!!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Homework for the Week of Jan. 22nd
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of V and 2 rows of v
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each number: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of W and 2 rows of w
Thursday: Math paper

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Homework for the Week of Jan. 15th:
Monday: Practice writing 2 rows of T and 2 rows of t
Tuesday: Practice writing a row of each number : 11, 12,13, 14, 15
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of U and two rows of u
Thursday: Math worksheet

Thursday, Jan. 18th: Winnie The Pooh Day! :Share your favorite object.( stuffed animal, book, movie etc...)

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten.:)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Homework for the Week of Jan. 8th:
Monday: Practice writing a row of each: 9, nine, 10, ten
Tuesday: Practice writing 2 rows of R and 2 rows of r
Wednesday: Practice writing 2 rows of S and 2 rows of s
Thursday: Math worksheet

Wednesday, Jan.10th: PTO Pizza Lunch

Monday, Jan. 15th: Martin Luther King Day. Dismissal @12:00. No aftercare.

Here’s to another great week in kindergarten.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Homework for the Week of Jan. 2nd
Tuesday: Practice Writing a row of 5, five, 6, six
Wednesday: Practice Writing a row of 7, seven, 8, eight
Thursday: Math worksheet
Fridays: Dismissal @ 12:00.  Join us for Mass @ 10:30.

Happy New Year!

Here’s to another great week in Kindergarten!